Thursday 22 September 2011

Today I read in the guardian that the DWP are STILL harassing claimants of ESA (Employment and Support Allowance). They are doing this by sending out letters to contributory claimants, this is the benefit you would get if you have paid NI contributions through working but have either some savings (under £3000) or someone in your home who works earning over £6000 per year. 
Now most single people are automatically put on contributory ESA if they have been signed off work due to an illness or medical condition which means they cannot work. It is up to the individual doctor how long they sign you off, there is no difinitive rule on how long someone will be signed off work for as each person will respond differently to different conditions and illnesses.

HOWEVER the DWP doesnt think that is right, ohh no the DWP thinks if you are ill for whatever reason then you are fit for work within X time frame simply because thats what the IT company they pay to do the "medicals" say.
Now ATOS for anyone wishing to do their own research as I have had to do, is easily googled and well to be quite frank take a note pad and pen because it will leave you confused and befuddled. There is much anicdotal evidence of people who have taken their own lives due to ATOS and the DWP threatening them, not to mention the Tribunal Services having to employ many more people to deal with the hundreds of thousands of appeals. The cost of the appeals is somewhere in the £400 million range at present.

Now the article does say contrabutery ESA not income. Now for the very interesting quote see if you can spot the mistake and it is quite glaring:

  "We must ensure that the benefit system has to be fair to taxpayers as well as disabled people."

Hmmmmmm isnt the very fact that its contrabutery not income related means its UNFAIR to the taxpayers????

Also to be noted is the DWP rule that terminal means death within 6 months, now anyone who has ever seen a doctor will be able to agree that sometimes they dont have a flying figs idea of what is wrong with you and therefore cannot give a proper diagnosis, or in the case of some cancer patients telling them they have less than one year to live could mean less than 3 months but then again could mean 10 years. Its often down to how someone responds to treatments and how early the cancer was caught.

Another thing to note is the letters being sent out are telling people their benefit will be stopped soon possibly within 6 months. HOWEVER the DWP are still in consoltation with the public so it has NOT passed as law as yet. 
No matter how much the DWP and Mr Iain Duncan Smith wishes it to be true the government cannot arbitrarily stop peoples money when they are ill.

Now anyone can say "ohh but I know someone on the fiddle" of course you dont you just think you do. Its easy to point the finger at someone and say "look at them they don't look disabled or ill" when you dont have access to all the facts. 

I have lost count of the times I have been asked why I'm not working, why dont I just get a job because I dont "look" disabled. 
Well anyone is welcome to swap places with me for the day. I will be generous and even make it a good day when I can do *some* things for myself such as walk myself to the bathroom. I wont make it a bad day when I scream in pain and cant move because every movement makes me cry out and lash out at my family for trying to help me.
Remember that next time you see someone "faking" an illness, also remember that a lot of medical conditions are NOT DWP sanctioned a fair amount are not on their tick box system and thats before I even get to the debunkle that is ATOS Origins.

I am waiting on my letterbox rattling with another letter from the DWP telling me that since I have no savings (we used them all to get me back and forward to various doctors and specialists at many different hospitals) and ATOS say I'm fit for work, that I will have to find a woefully unsuitable job, which will make me much worse than I am at present. 

Anyone know of a job where I can do little and get much re-numeration??? ohh wait I do MP  . . . . I couldnt do a worse job than this lot could I??

Actually I would probably do a much better job since I feel threatening ill people (whatever the illness) is wrong and quite frankly bang out of line, someone needs to give government a reality check.

Remember Mr Camerons pledge that disabled people were safe with him?? Yeah O.K. then Mr PM you lied then and are still lying now. 

What about all the "we will look after the most vulnerable  in society" claptrap because that's exactly what it is claptrap, rubbish said to get him into number 10 Downing Street. 

If terminally ill people aren't the very most vulnerable of society who are?? If we cant look after them who honestly thinks anyone will give two hoots when you become ill?? 

Better make sure you look both ways when crossing the closed road just in case a drunk driver doesn't see the signs and drives up the road and runs you down, better not go outside in case a bird drops half a sausage roll and it causes you to slip and fall breaking your hip, better not stay inside the home either since 60% of all accidents are done there, don't drive drink smoke walk run jog breath air polluted with car exhaust fumes the list goes on and on of things we shouldn't do because they "could" make us ill maybe not now but later in life when there will be NO help for us.

As for me I'm waiting on my next appointment with ATOS to prove I'm well and healthy as they said I would be 18 months after my first so called medical with them, even though I'm worse than I was then and now use a walking stick to get around. But of course who cares I am a faker who is putting it on so I can claim ESA and DLA, which will also be gone within the next 4 years to be replaced by PIP (personal independence payments) which will not allow most of the people presently on low rate for care and / or mobility to claim.

Think I'm scaremongering??? 

When all the "fakes" like me have been tortured to death by the system who will be there to fight for you and yours???

Use the brain you were born with Messers Cameron, Duncan Smith, and Grayling see what you are doing is NOT good for the economy but more likely to bring it to a stand still. 
Of course if the DWP pull millions of people off benefits there will be more money to swan around taking many holidays while Britain crumbles around us.
Maybe you should take up the fiddle then you can really go down in the history books just like Nero . . . . .