Tuesday 26 July 2011

About me . . .

I have for a while now (over 10 years) suffered a skin condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa: 

Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic skin disease, which appears in the apocrine gland-bearing areas, such as the armpits, breasts and groin. This recurrent inflammatory, and often painful disease is often overlooked, as not much is known of the actual cause.
Diagnosis of HS is made by looking at the 3 main characteristics of the disease:
Lesions - Are they deep-seated nodules and/or fibrosis. Location - Armpit, groin, breast and/or buttocks. Relapses and Chronicity. 
Some other questions would also need to be asked, such as: 
Does anyone else in your family suffer from similar symptoms. Do the boils recur in the same place each time. Do they get worse during the premenstrual period.
Unfortunately, as this disease is not very well known, HS is quite often mistaken as common abscesses, boils, sexually transmitted diseases, skin infections or just in-growing hair follicles, to name but a few. This in turn can lead to a delay in appropriate referrals and diagnosis, and therefore may result in further advancement of the disease. 

HS is graded into 3 stages, known as Hurleys clinical staging. The early stages of HS presents itself as a single, inflammed, boil-like nodule. These will either slowly disappear, or persist to become a suppurative (draining) absess, eventually degrading and scarring the affected area.
The later stages of the disease will see the affected areas spreading, with either single or multiple lesions with the formation of sinus tracts, or fistulas, where lesions drain from 1 or more location. These sinus tracts can interlink and become more widespread in stage 3. There is no guarantee that patients will progress to stage 3, as some do not progress further than stage 1.

When I was first diagnosed I had waited 5 years to be seen by someone who was prepared to listen and look, which is always important when dealing with a skin condition. Now I am a early 30's mother and wife who has this what I call life limiting condition, the reason I call it life limiting is because it limits my abilities to a huge degree. I am now disabled as a result of the HS getting so bad it affects my everyday life.

I am starting this blog since I know I am not alone in suffering this horrible condition. if for no other reason than to show others they are not alone and there is always hope.  

It will be full of my late night ramblings and many will not make sense unless you start at the first posting, but that's me I often don't make sense!!!

So come on the weird and not always wonderful journey with me . . . . . . 

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